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Proudly owned by Chilliwack Bottle Depot
Get In Touch
Chilliwack Bottle Depot
Serving the Fraser Valley / Lower Mainland since 1965
Old, Unused Paints
Oil and latex paint and stains are accepted.
Paint must be returned in paint cans.
Paint cans must have identifiable labels.
Industrial Paint is not accepted.
Empty paint cans are accepted
Paint cans without lids are accepted but the paint has to be dried to avoid spills.
Common products that are NOT ACCEPTABLE
Roof Tar
What do you do with product we do not accept…
City of Chilliwack holds a “Household Hazardous Waste Day” event typically the first Saturday in October. Call the City of Chilliwack at 604-792-9311 for more information.
Call 1-800- RECYCLE for alternative recycling methods.

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