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Organizing Your Bottle Drive

Bottle Drives are the EASIEST Fundraising campaigns.

Bottle drives have long been known to be the easiest, super fun and most successful fundraising tool available to charities such as sports teams, schools, clubs, and other special interest groups.   As a result, thousands of Bottle Drives are held annually throughout British Columbia.  Chilliwack Bottle Depot recognizes the importance of these fund-raising events and provides the tools to ensure that you have the support and knowledge to be successful.


Here are some important steps in being successful…

  • Select a person to lead this event.

  • Ask for volunteers to help with the collection and sorting of containers.  It is our experience that you will need a minimal of 8 to 10 people, depending on size of event.

  • Pick a location where your collectors will bring the product back to be sorted.  This can be a school, church, private residence or other convenient centralized place.

  • Choose a collection area that you are going to target.  Keep in mind that if you target too large of an area you may run into collection and time issues.

  • Decide whether your team will sort and package the materials or if you would just like to collect the product and have Chilliwack Bottle Depot do the sorting.


If you decide that you would like to sort and package the material, then we will supply    you with the sort sheets and supplies you will need to be successful.


  • Contact Chilliwack Bottle Depot to arrange supplies, sorting sheets and everything else you will need to make your bottle drive successful.  We also track and monitor where bottle drives are occurring or where they have occurred and will be able to give you helpful tips to maximize the number of containers you collect.

  • Decide if you would like to utilize our free transport services to pick up your sorted or unsorted product or if you will be delivering to our Depot.  If you decide that you would like to utilize our free transport services, then a time will have to be arranged for pickup.

  • Advertise for your event.  Whether it be flyers in the targeted area, email campaigns, advertisements on the local radio station or word of mouth.  The more people that are aware the more successful you will be.

  • Event day should be seamless for you; however, we do supply phone numbers to speak with one of our bottle drive specialists if you require any additional help.




Thanks for submitting! We will get back to you shortly.
If you do not hear from us within 24 hours, please call us directly.

In the mean time, here are our sort sheets for download

(you will need to have adobe acrobat reader)

Sort Sheet for Plastic Bags

Sort Sheet

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